I'm excited to go home and spend time with people but I really hate leaving George here. Thankfully, a coworker of Gerrit's is coming by to take care of the little guy and Gerrit should be coming back around the 8th so it's not too terribly long. I can think of multiple animals that got left at the vet clinic I used to work at for much longer than that! Try like, 2 months, poor things! I comfort myself with the knowledge that Georgie will be in his own home with lots of space where he can get rambunctious and not be shut in a little cage for a long time. It may sound ridiculous but its hard to leave him just because he was a gift from Gerrit. I look at George and I know how much Gerrit cares about me.
The next month seems like its going to take soooo long no matter how much stuff I already have on my calendar. Bridal showers, day trips to visit friends and in-laws, scheduled dinners and lunches... I really can't believe its already Wednesday though. It seems like Gerrit left yesterday. And what's pretty great is that tomorrow will be chock full of stuff to do! I have to clean the entire house, wash towels and sheets and cloths and pack and those in conjunction with working out in the morning should fill up my day quite nicely. However, I'm not sure how I'm going to amuse myself all night long. Yes, folks, I am pulling an all nighter. Why??? you ask. The answer, my friends, is that when you don't fall asleep til after midnight and you have to be at the bus stop at 0400 in the AM, its not worth it to fall asleep and have to try and drag your butt outta the house. I don't take kindly to waking up. If only the Starbucks was open really late...

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