At first, it was unbearably hard to be away from everything in BG. I missed my friends, my family, my cats, my room, my car.... just everything. Some days it was all I could do to get out of bed. When I finally booked my ticket back to the states for my most wonderfullest best friend's wedding, I couldn't have been more excited to get away from England.
But now, I feel like its going to completely throw me outta whack. Yes, I'm still excited to go home and see everyone and everything. The other day, though, when I got to really thinking about it, I realized I am going to be away from my husband for 6 weeks. All I had really thought about was what I was going towards and never thought about who I had to leave behind in England. And I have to leave them behind. Gerrit has to work. Coming back with me really isn't an option. And George has to stay behind too. My big cat back home would shred the little guy to pieces before the first week was up.
I leave in 13 days. And it's actually going to be hard to go back. The other day, Gerrit actually flat out said, "You know, I am going to miss you." He says it feels funny if I'm not sleeping in the bed with him. He's not one to talk about his feelings or flat out say "I miss you". It just took me off guard to hear him say that, with more emotion in his voice than he usually lets out.
I'm hoping these last 13 days don't go too terribly fast. Life is good here. And I know once I get back, I'm going to be dying for time to speed up. Hopefully, I will be too busy to get bored and get homesick for England. Don't get me wrong, I am still ridiculously excited to see everyone in Kentucky; I am not dreading coming back at all. There is too much that is good and wonderful waiting for me there. England is just finally starting to feel like home.

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