I spent the night on the couch because of my stupid sore throat- couldn't get comfortable in bed. George thought it was time to attack anything that moved under the blanket THE ENTIRE NIGHT. And I still have to walk in and wait 24-48hours for my throat culture results. I mean really? Why does it take that long? Why do I have go sleepless for two more nights? What happens when it comes back negative for strep? Do I finally get to see a doctor after that??? They could do a strep test much faster than that at my pediatricians office back home. Surely a hospital could do it that quickly...
Flight update: today's flight was canceled out of London so we called and got it changed to next Friday. Gerrit will either leave tomorrow evening or early Friday morning by bus to get to his exercise in Germany. That leaves me here a week, just me and George. Yesterday, being here a week without Gerrit didn't sound too terrible but I'm still going to miss him crap tons. And thank God for new friends who have already told me I'm hanging out with them on Friday night. Surely a week can't last that long, right?

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