I found out yesterday that Gerrit will be leaving for an out of country exercise and will be gone a little over two weeks. Assuming I leave tomorrow, poor Georgie will be parentless while Gerrit is gone. Thankfully, we have friends who are willing to take care of him. I love my husband for his response to be notified of his impending departure- "My wife is gonna kill me.." and then preceded to first, find someone to take care of George and second, find out as many specifics as possible, not for himself, but for me, knowing I would freak out as soon as the words came out of his mouth. According to him, I actually took the news better than he expected me to. I don't know if I reacted well or he just doesn't give me much credit.
The last few days, since about Friday, I have had a sore throat, been a nauseous at time, and have felt pretty washed out. I call to make an appointment and evidently, a sore throat only merrits a walk-in throat culture... I really don't think swabbing my throat is going to tell them much considering my throat muscles are more sore and swollen rather than having a scratchy feeling. Can anyone say "mono: round two"?? Dear Lord, let's hope not. I was hoping to at least get some sort of antibiotic to start it going away before my departure tomorrow, assuming the flight is not canceled. My throat actually kept me up for a good bit of the night, leading me to dread flying with a sore throat. I get dehydrated enough on air planes without having this wonderful crud. There have actually been a few people at Gerrit's shop who have commented on having a sore throat but they seemed to have gotten over it faster than I have. Yay for a craptastic immune system!
I guess I will go ahead and pack my suitcase this afternoon/evening and just keep tabs on my flight status. Keep your fingers crossed.

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