Beginning of February, there was a chance for Gerrit to possibly deploy come December. Then there wasn't a chance a few weeks later. So up until, oh, two days ago, I'd been operating under the assumption that there wasn't a chance he would deploy that soon. However, I did know he was moving to squadron come May, meaning, he will be working with pilots under the squadron he will be deploying with eventually... I think that's correct. ANYHOW, what he failed to tell me until two days ago was that now there is a chance he will be deployed sometime between December and May of next year.... While that makes me sad, it frustrates me in that we have to work around that possibility. There is no early planning for anything during that time frame until we find out from his new squadron, come May, whether they think he will or will not be deployed that soon... hurry up and wait...
Oh, and today, he has Hummer Training. What is that? Training to drive a huge Hummer.... that is NOT in his job description. He is supposed to sit in a room, inside a room, at a desk, doing desk thingies. NOT driving a hummer, out in the middle of the open where there is crazy stuff possibly happening! That does not make me very happy today.
And another random but frustrating point: I woke up at like 2 am starving and then couldn't go back to sleep for like a hour, which caused me to sleep an hour later than I was supposed to....
It's like a Monday except on a Thursday... ya know?

oh yuck :[ If he does deploy, are you going to go home for a lot of the time? If Mark deploys (ew...) I'm just going to pack up and go back to KY. Like, there's no reason why I should have to sit here by myself when my friends and family are all in KY :( Especially if he deploys in December - when he's "up" for deployment - and I'll have a 2 month old. Sigh. The military is just no fun. I try to ignore the possibility of deployments..