Wash towels - check
Scrub bathroom clean - check
Clean kitchen - check
Vacuum upstairs and down - check
Wash clothes - check
Take out trash and recyclables - check
All that is left is to get dressed and finish putting everything in my suitcase and my purse. I have "George proofed" as much of the house as I can though who knows what he will get into.
It's actually really hard to leave now. I thought I couldn't get away from this place fast enough but so much has changed. This actually feels like home. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked about seeing my family and my friends, but I'm still leaving my family behind. My two G's. I am every bit as attached to George as I am my 11 yr old cat in Ky who I actually forbid to die while I was in England...
And it is just so hard to leave my wonderful husband! I'm so used to being around him all the time after being apart for so long. I'm already counting down the days until I get to see him again. Is that wrong of me?
It's just bittersweet...

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