Last night, after being in bed for two hours, without being able to breathe, swallow, or fall asleep, I asked Gerrit to take me to the ER. Though they couldn't give me an antibiotics without my throat culture results, they at least gave me some super strength Ibuprofen for the inflammation and swelling in my throat and this pretty awesome Lidocaine solution goop. I gargle the latter with a small bit of water and
VOILA! mouth and throat are numb. We got home around 1230am and I slept until 930am! Boy did I need the sleep! At least now, though I have no idea what is wrong with me, I'm at least considerably more comfortable than I have been. Hopefully, I will hear back on my culture results and then get some medicine tomorrow.
Sadly enough, Gerrit leaves tomorrow for Germany. I'm not exactly looking forward to a week by myself but it's doable. It's amazing how hard the next six weeks are going to be. You'd think that with 8 and half weeks of BMT and another 6 and half at Tech school, we'd be used to be apart. I will miss my husband so much. I don't think I will ever get used to be apart from him.
Happy Birthday to my mother today!
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