Monday 26 April 2010

Sunday and Monday

Yesterday was kind of rough. I spent all day curled up in the couch, in my pjs, reading and eating whatever I could find in the kitchen...Sunday is usually mine and get's "kick back and relax" day. We will cook breakfast and read and pick on each other and torture (figuratively speaking, of course) Mr George and watch movies. I just found I didn't have much motivation to do much else. I read from probably 9:30am to 11:30pm yesterday. That may be hard to believe for some people but if you actually know me, that's not an unusual thing for me to do.

Highlight of yesterday: I got an email AND a phone call from Gerrit! Evidently, things are not so organized and its a bit on the chaotic side. The weird thing is that his phone completely reset itself- everything he has put in and updated since we arrived was deleted/lost. He couldn't remember my cell number but remember the house number, thankfully. -A big thanks to you people who keep calling us asking about The Great Little Pizza Place. You helped us to memorize our home phone number! For those who don't know, our house number is one number different than this pizza place and we get a handful of calls every week from people who just want to order a pizza.- He wouldn't find out until today whether he will have night or day shift and he also has to go buy a phone card so that he can call without racking upGINORMOUS cell phone bills. Hopefully I will hear from him again today.

Today's Agenda- working out and reading- at least I'm being somewhat productive and getting out of the house!

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