I had the longest trip EVER coming home, or at least is seemed like it. The AirCanada check-in desk in Nashville doesn't open until 2 hours before the plane leaves. I sat there for an hour and a half, just waiting to check my bags. Flight to Toronto was delayed in boarding and taking off because of lightning storms. Then, we were stuck flying above Toronto for half an hour because of bad weather on the ground. Therefore, I ran from my arrival gate to the gate for LHR AirCanda gate and made it for the start of boarding. I get on the plane, and yes, I have an aisle seat and yes, the person next to me wasn't bigger than I am so I didn't have to "share" my seat. However, right as we take off, my little tv screen froze - for at least an hour if not longer...Thankfully the flight attendant just hit a reset button otherwise I would have been going crazy for 8 and something hours- if you didn't know, I don't usually sleep in air planes, not because I don't want to, but because I can't. I was hoping the last of my troubles had ended- nope! The customs guy gave me a hard time, not about my Visa, but for the fact that I had unemployed written under occupation on the landing card. Even when I informed him of my impending job search and becoming employed he still gave me the stink eye. Ugh.. and if things weren't already frustrating, I was sick from flying and sleep-deprived. THEN I got to Baggage Claim. Guess whose bag was still in Toronto?! Yours truly's. The only thing that made that entire ordeal worth it was seeing my husband standing there with open arms just outside of the baggage area.
I finally felt whole again. Like something was slightly off since April and then just clicked back into place Thursday morning. I didn't even care about the 3 hour trip back to base. I enjoyed every minute on the tube and every minute in the car with Gerrit. I guess after being apart for 6 weeks, you'll take just about whatever you can get, whether that is a romantic candlelight dinner or a 3 hour trip by tube and car- I got the latter and loved it. I have spent almost every single minute back with Gerrit- the exceptions: when we each took a shower, when he weed-eated our yard (not big enough to justify buying a mower) though I watched out the window with George, and then when he had to walk outside to his car to get things to pack for Florida. I am so thankful that he took yesterday off of work to spend time with me. I would have been going crazy here at the house had he not.
At 5am this morning, I went left at the roundabout while my husband's bus went straight. I won't see him again until July 4. I'm already a basketcase. I fully intended to go running when I got back to the house. Instead, I found myself crawling into my bed, phone and car keys, still in hand, and cried myself to sleep. The only person in my bed when I woke up at 10 am was me, though George was on the bed, too. And yet again, I am back to feeling off, like something vital is missing, leaving a big aching whole in my chest.
And here is a little irony for you: A year ago today, I watched my husband graduate from BMT.
Please get here soon, July 4.

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