Yesterday was spent working out, yoga-ing, skyping with Gerrit and bf, Sara, cleaning, and watching NCIS.
Just lemme say, I love NCIS. Always have and believe I always will. Just something about that Gibbs... maybe Gerrit's hair will turn gray and then he can wear it Gibb's style high'n'tight... hahaha. Seriously, just kidding. Gerrit would look really strange. Not only do I enjoy watching it, but it's great to listen to. You never realize how used to sound you are until you spend a lot of time alone in your house with no cable or anything. I supposed I could turn on music but my brain needs a little more to process. PLus, if I'm listening to music, I feel compelled to sing along with everything and considering I have to leave windows open, I don't think the neighbors would appreciate it too much.
Today has been uneventful so far- working out and skyped with Gerrit. He passed his test yesterday- woot! Good luck to him on his tests today and tomorrow! It's great to realize that it's Thursday- as in the day before Friday which is the last day of week #1! Seriously, I only have to do this 3 more times. I am so sick of being apart from Gerrit at this point. And I'm sure when it gets here, I will be counting down the hours and minutes til I actually get to tackle him.
Tomorrow I am foregoing working out- shocking! I know- to attend a Heartlink on base. This is a program to help new spouses become acquainted with the Air Force and the life style that accompanies it. More details about that tomorrow! And hopefully tomorrow evening won't be spent on the couch watching NCIS. Who wants to spend a Friday night at home alone???

Oh, just go ahead and sing along with some CDs. Your neighbors have to get to used to you sometime! Who knows - you might make some new friends who like the same type of music.