Yesterday, I went to tea and scones with two new friends, Elizabeth and Heather. We went to my favorite Mildenhall High Town tea room- Emily's Tea Room. Super yummy scones with clotted cream and jam, a lovely pot of Darjeeling Tea, and fantastic company! Here is a quick snapshot of our tea time:
Thursday evening I attended a squadron Spouse's Coffee and had a wonderful time with my fellow squadron wives. We ate wonderful Paul Dean recipes including cornbread salad, a tortellini pasta salad, and some sort of rice and chicken (?) salad followed by desserts including a homemade strawberry pie and tangerine cake which was absolutely delectable! We each, also, had the choice of a manicure or pedicure (Squee! I love said girlie indulgences <3 ) and now my finger nails looks fabulous! Or at least they will until I break one of them... It was wonderful to spend time and get to know and share stories with these strong and beautiful women who can answer pretty much any question I throw at them. I am so lucky to have such a great network here.
Today, after working out, I went back to Emily's Tea Room to finally meet an AF wife I have been friends with since August of last year. I had sooo much fun! She is sweet as can be, and it was so easy to talk to her. I think it has something to do with both of us being from small towns in the southeast who appreciate both sweet tea and tea the "English" way.
I am so excited to be coming out of my shell and making new friends! It was just too hard to be shy and hole up in my house with the cat. I need human interaction, and I'm finally getting out there. It was once unheard of for me to talk to three new people in one week let alone go out and have tea with them. And to make today even sweeter, I got a surprise skype with the hubs during his extended lunch break AND found out that I will get to see him a whole day sooner than originally planned!!! Yes, I was emotional mess and began sobbing when he told me. Tomorrow's plans? Maybe some local venturing, maybe berry picking... we'll see!

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