I went to the contemporary service last night and I liked it better than the traditional service so I will probably hit it up again next week. Though, I may go to both again since it may have just been an off day. We'll see. I always look for anything to get me out of the house.
Skyped with Gerrit this morning and found out he had a great day yesterday with his family. It was a bit short, again... but its definitely better than nothing.
Still didn't sleep much last night and could not, almost did not get out of bed this morning. My only motivation with letting George out of his carrier (yes, he was a bad boy and got a time-out at 5am this morning) and getting him food.
I worked out this afternoon, more running, eliptical and free weights. There is a Yoga/Pilates class in about 45 minutes so I thought I would give it a try. Once again, just trying to get out of this house.
I miss cooking dinner. I miss cooking not just to cook, but cooking for Gerrit. I hate eating dinner alone. I used to do it all of the time in college and it didn't bother me. Now, I crave company during dinner. It's just depressing eating a sandwich on the couch with only Georgie for company.
I have finished my book and must now find something else to do this evening...

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