Last night was horrible though. I tossed and turned and tossed and turned. I was hot and then cool and then really hot. My pillow was all wrong. The mattress felt weird. My house makes scary noises like someone is trying to break in and get me. And I was all alone. I did not sleep until after 2am and then woke up at 830am. I was afraid of going back to sleep so I just got up and got ready to go to church.
Today was the first time I have been to the Sunday morning service at the chapel on base. It was kind of sad for me because I didn't feel connected like I do at FBC BG. Maybe it is my church family back home or maybe it's the fact that no one can compare to Dr Mark Hopper and his Sunday morning messages. I never managed to make it when I was home- so much running around, getting caught up, being jet lagged, or trying to spend some last minute time with family always seemed to prevail and I feel awful for it. It felt right to get up and go this morning, but I don't know if it will become my regular church here. I am trying out the contemporary service this evening, and I may have to explore and seek out local churches. I've never attended a sermon that was given with a British accent...
I have already spoken to the hubs this morning on skype. He is alive and in one piece, thankfully. I really worry to much... He is spending the day with family that lives nearby, and I know they will be so excited to see him.
Day #2 is halfway over.

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