I heard back from the HR people who hire for DODEA. Evidentally, they have no openings and haven't be informed of any opening that might be coming available at the beginning of the school year this fall. I had been informed that there should be two openings but it seems people have not felt obligated to tell HR that they will either A) not be returning or B) leaving after giving birth in October (school starts in September...).
Also, I just read the attached report and discovered that I barely even made the cut. Out of 100, I scored a 70 meaning that I'm "Qualified." Not even close to the next level which was an 85 and no where close to the Highly Qualified... They, of course, asked if there were other places I wanted to work or other positions that I would be interested it. I don't really want to be a bus driver and I don't want to be a secretary. I could substitute teach but I'm probably only "Qualified" for that too. Is "Qualified" code for "Just barely made the cut because you have some sort of education and had at least one job for more than a few weeks" ???? Of course there are the two other schools on base- Elementary and Middle. Not really feeling the opening of ketchup packets or being a kindergarten aid at the E. School. And if you can remember back to YOUR middle school years, I'm pretty sure you understand why I don't exactly feel compelled to work at the middle school....
On top of that, why do people keep doing certain things even when you ask them not to? And when you ask them not to do something else, for a very specific reason, they completely disregard you and do whatever the hell they feel like anyhow???
Seriously, I need something stronger than my half a glass of wine, or at least a full glass... but noooo, that was all that was left in the bottle....

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