..meow? Seriously, I absentmindedly meow when I'm happy.
..absolutely loathe opossums? I saw a commercial with one in it the other day and I seriously winced and almost fell on the treadmill. Not joking one bit here.
.. hate the act of traveling because it causes my stress level to skyrocket, to the point of making me physically ill and sometimes have panic attacks? Don't get me wrong, I love to see other places and explore. It's the getting there that bothers me- like the airports, flying, driving around on unfamiliar roads. *Shudders thinking about it*
..love breakfast? Big breakfasts with toast, bacon, waffles, pancakes, sausage, hashbrowns, biscuits, cereal, oatmeal, fresh fruit, and eggs. LOVE IT ALL. I could possibly eat a HUGE breakfast every single morning and never get tired of it. I could probably eat it twice a day. I'm pretty sure I did that on Tuesday. :D
..have never ever in my life moved until I moved from Kentucky to England? I moved across the hall, once, when I was 3 or 4, to a bigger bedroom... does that count??? I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
.. was born and raised in the state famous for horses and the Kentucky Derby but have NEVER ridden one? I've always wanted to. I always thought my parents would say know to horseback riding lessons.
..can only ever remember eating at Waffle House twice in my life? Both were in college, and both were with the hubs while we were dating.
..have OCD and have some sort of routine/ritual for everything I do? I have one for getting ready for the gym, leaving the house in general, showering/getting dressed, just to name a few. Each one involves to certain things in an exact- or almost exact- order every single time.
.. am afraid aforementioned OCD will take over my life in my later years?
..made myself cry the other night when I had the random thought that if any of my babies are allergic to cats, I will have to find a new home for George? Yep, definitely did. Gerrit was in bed, and I was on the couch reading a book when it hit me. AND I did it again last night telling Gerrit that I did it the night before.

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