Because I a a very sweet and loving wife and couldn't bear to tell my husband he had to jog 3-4 miles to work every morning with a big pack of stuff on his back.
Why would he have to run???
He sold his car money with a complete profit seeing as we got that car for free.... and has been waiting for the car we are buying to be ready, which should hopefully be today.
Why the posting hiatus though???
Gerrit has had to be at work at 515am, 500am, and 530am this week. This means he gets up at 4am and so do I : ( And unfortunately, I'm the kind of person who doesn't go back to sleep if I get up that early and get out of bed, let alone drive across base and back. The first night I had about 5 hours of sleep- my usual is probably around 8 or 9 hours. Tuesday night, though, I had somewhere between 3 and 4 hours. I was so out of it yesterday. I drank so much coffee it gave me a huge headache, and I mutinied against doing any sort of work. Translation: I said I wasn't cooking so we went and got Indian food.
Anyone who knows me at all, knows that I just don't function on small amounts of sleep, let alone before the sun is actually up. Today should be the last day I have to be up before the sun and leave my snuggly warm bed like I had to this morning after sleeping a full 6 hours, which felt much more like 10 : ) And did I mentioned, its been about 50 degrees every morning?
You know I love my husband when I go without sleep, get up before the sun, AND go outside where it is cold.

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