I resolved to work out today since I hadn't done so since last Thursday.
I ran my mile and a half, which is a little less than where I was at pre-flu, but that's okay with me for the first day back. Did my free weights, yoga ball exercises, and box steps. Did my mile backwards on the elliptical, and did my weight machines. I didn't push myself quite as hard today. A few of the ab exercises brought back some flu-ee discomfort so I had to work around that. I didn't really feel like projectile vomiting all over the HAWC. But, I made it through 2 hours and feel pretty good other than being tired.
Here shortly, after I finish my detox juice from the HAWC cafe (it's green and it's scrumptious!), I shall take a rather drizzly shower, skype with two of my wonderful Kentucky Gals, maybe unload the dishwasher and finish folding yesterdays laundry- hey, at least its clean. After that, I will sink into my comfy couch and read my book until the hubs gets off work and then its Thai food time! I figure its time to test my stomach out a little more with not so bland food. I'm excited! Love me some Thai food : )
Also, debuting in this photo is my new toaster! - "My name is Lindsay, and I have a problem. I have an addiction to toast. I was clean for 4 months, and then fell off the wagon when I went back to the states. I have been sober, again, since the beginning of June when I returned to England. But my mother is my enabler, and I have fallen hard this week." - Thanks, Momma, for the new toaster!
Tomorrow, I believe, we are adventuring the the Bury St Edmond's market day just to explore and maybe pick up some odds and ends. Oh how I love spending the day, strolling the little streets, hand in hand with my hunky husband <3