I'm pretty much going crazy around my house. I am NOT cut out to be a stay at home wife- maybe a part time stay at home mom but that's a completely different blog post.
On Monday, I attended a Job Connections class that basically outlined all your job options on or around base. It was rather overwhelming to see how few jobs there were and realize how many other spouses and family members are competing for them. Not to mention the fact that nowhere is my biology degree actually applicable except for substitute teaching and even those subbing jobs are given to certified teachers before anyone else. Yes, I completely agree with that but does that make me feel all warm and fuzzy about ever even getting a chance to sub???
And then there is that lovely piece of paper called a resume. Why did they not teach us how to do this in high school or college? I'm sure they did if you majored in business or took a business writing class but HELLO- everyone is going to need a resume at some point. Why not teach everyone??? I'm rather angry that I am a 22 year old college graduate with a degree but without the knowledge of how to write my own resume.
So I have officially begun a few applications to two of the local banks but have yet to begin the resume. I find it extremely overwhelming, and it kind of makes me nauseous to think about starting it. I'm sure within the next few days I will get the wild hair to get to work on it and just crank the sucker out but right now, it just ain't happening. And a huge THANK YOU!!! to all of my friends who have been giving me resume advice and offering to let me look at their own resumes so that I have something to go off.
It's so .... fun to be a big person.

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