I slept most of Sunday away, either in the bed, on the couch or on the living room floor when the couch got too warm. Gerrit was wonderful and frozen wet paper towels for me to wipe my face with when I couldn't cool down. He went out and bought me diet 7Up and a single can of Sprite Zero because they were out of 12 packs of cans. He helped me up and down the stairs and up off the floor. He even picked stuff off the floor for me because bending over made my head hurt. He even made one last trip down stairs AFTER he was in bed to start the dishwasher and grab my prescriptions just because I asked him to. Absolutely love my sweet, sweet guy.
Yesterday was better. I slept less and my stomach finally decided to stop rebelling. I actually got 2 loads of laundry done, some extra dishes washed by hand, wiped down the kitchen with Clorox wipes, and I cleaned the bathroom- my attempts at removing all traces of Saturday and Sunday. I even managed to keep down some saltines yesterday afternoon and I ate THREE pieces of toast last night. By that point, I was already starting to act like my
This morning I was determined to get out of the house so I decided I would do some grocery shopping and also take Gerrit lunch since, at least half of the time, the boy never eats anything because he's "just too busy to get anything." I figured if I brought lunch to him, he had no excuse to go lunch-less. I happily picked him up a little personal pizza and garlic bread from the Gourmet Italia place and dropped it off and was still feeling fine when I walked in the commissary to start my grocery shopping. Unfortunately, about half way through my shopping, I felt like someone hit me with a sack of oranges and about collapse in the middle of the soup aisle. I managed to finished shopping and slowly drive home. I had planned to go back to library and work on job applications today but I'm just exhausted and may have overdone it walking around so much this morning.
I am definitely getting better slowly but no where close to 100%.

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