18 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +4.0 lbs
Maternity clothes?Preferring the maternity pants but I'm still good on regular shirts.
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet
Sleep:Actually back to sleeping through most nights-woo!
Best moment this week: Movement!
Movement: Yep! It has begun! Mostly in the afternoon and evening- just little nudges and flutters.
Gender:Still a mystery....but I'm getting impatient!
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Same as always
Wedding rings on or off? I don't where them at the gym but other than that, still wearing them as usual.
What I miss: I could go for some sushi... :(
What I am looking forward to: Gerrit getting feel the baby move :)
Weekly Wisdom: ... Sorry folks- I got nothing.
Milestones: Just getting through another week complication free :)
Looking about the same as I did last week. And I think last week's pictures may have been due to dinner and a funny camera angle. I still look more like I need to cut back on my cookies that I look pregnant...

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