Total weight gain/loss: I only use the dr's scale so we'll know on March 18
Maternity clothes? Nope, but I have them ready and waiting for the day my jeans just don't fit!
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet
Sleep:Still getting up in the night due to my expanding uterus pushing on my poor bladder (and I will be for a few more months)
Best moment this week:Sunshine! though that is totally unbaby related
Movement: Not yet but I'm hoping JB will start wiggling soon!
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Same as always
Wedding rings on or off? I don't where them at the gym but other than that, still wearing them as usual.
What I miss: Hands down, its a big yummy deli sandwich from the commissary :(
What I am looking forward to: Feeling movement for the first time and finding out if its a little girl or a little boy!
Weekly Wisdom: Pee before you leave the house. And at your destination when you arrive ;)
Milestones: Just getting through another week complication free :)
Pretty good week overall. I've had some discomfort/pain when pressure is applied to my "bump". It's not constant but its more frequent that I like. I'm hoping my uterus is just stretching. If I gets any worse tonight, I am going to call first thing in the morning to talk to the nurse. Better safe than sorry! 16 week appt next Friday! And my birthday on FRIDAY!
**Added Friday- no pictures this week but I definitely have a bump when I'm laying down- twas sort of lopsided to the right this morning!**
**Added Friday- no pictures this week but I definitely have a bump when I'm laying down- twas sort of lopsided to the right this morning!**

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