Total weight gain/loss: +4.0 lbs
Maternity clothes?I have been wearing my maternity pants just because my regular jeans push on the bump which is uncomfortable and almost painful at times. (And yes, it's totally okay for my uterus to be tender so no worries there.)
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet
Sleep: Only getting up once a night to pee and some nights, i sleep all night!
Best moment this week:Hearing JB's heart beat at the drs!
Movement:Just feeling some random uterine twitches, nothing that I would consider baby movement.
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Same as always
Wedding rings on or off? I don't where them at the gym but other than that, still wearing them as usual.
What I miss: Hands down, its a big yummy deli sandwich from the commissary :(
What I am looking forward to: Feeling movement for the first time and finding out if its a little girl or a little boy!
Weekly Wisdom: Pee before you leave the house. And at your destination when you arrive ;)
Milestones: Just getting through another week complication free :)
JB and I have had another great week, especially now that we have this silly sinus infection under control thanks to the wonderful invention of antibiotics. My belly is finally starting to pop as you can see in the picture, though I think the camera angle made it look a little bigger than it actually is. Oh well, I do what I can when there's no photographer around. I can officially make an appointment for the anatomy scan on April 1 so I'm hoping to snag one on May 1! So ready to know already!

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