I would bring the rain with me from across the pond ... according to a good friend of mine, "we were just trying to make it a comfortable transition back", seeing as how it rains all the time in England.
And of course, I would have to venture out in the torrential downpour because I would not have missed my best friend's bridal shower for the world, though I missed the last one because of a volcano... It was a great shower with lots of chocolate and friends and great gifts for the bride!
I came home and helped my mom fry up a huge batch of crappie for dinner- I miss good cookin' like that when I'm in England. Though its not the healthiest, it sure is yummy :)
I'm listening to the news where people are losing their houses due to flooding. Some people have completely evacuated because water has surged up to the roofs. It just breaks my heart to see people watch their houses fill with water and not be able to do a thing about it. I hope the water clears out soon.
Lots of errands to run starting tomorrow.

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