In response to me previous post, Gerrit sent me a beautiful bouquet of lilies to try and make up for leaving less than 48 hrs after I get back to England. He's so sweet. And the lilies are GORGEOUS and are smelling up my entire
There are 5 blooms open and another 6 waiting to open! They are sitting on the fireplace mantel because one of my parent's cats likes to eat plants. They still look pretty though.
I'm also going to be a slacker and heathen and spend all day on the couch, out of the rain, reading and spending time with my mama. She seems sad that my visit is going so quickly so I'm trying to spend lots of time with her. She is one of my best friends, after all.
Speaking of reading, I am abusing the local B&N and have bought 7 books, and have but one left that I haven't started and will finish that 6th this afternoon. Unfortunately, I can't lug all my books back with me... or maybe I can.. We'll see when I go to pack my suitcase! A second unfortunately is that my bank account's title isn't "Lindsay's Book Allowance" so I think the rest of the time, I will resign myself to sitting and devouring books at the store and drinking coffee while I'm at it. I think I've spent enough money over there since about the 7th grade that I'm entitled a sneak read once in a while.
Have a lovely Sunday where ever you may be !

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