Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Hump Day

Today was a pretty routine Wednesday. Got up, bowl of cereal, read my current book, got dressed, and went grocery shopping. While I still lived in Ky, Gerrit had told me of this great wonder called "The Commisary"- that you could find all sorts of things there, that it had more than your conventional grocery store... heh, he had no idea what an awesome Kroger I had only ten minutes from me at the time! As usual, I had to scrounge for ingredients I needed for one of my mother's recipes.
  • How hard is it to stock Hot Taco Sauce??? Really? 
  • Also, there are only two options when it comes to cans of black beans... organic and overpriced OR ranch style with all sorts of unnecessary spices and whatnot. Why can't they carry your generic can o' black beans? 
  • Next dilemma - buy the 28oz can of crushed tomatoes (when I only need half that amount) or no crush tomatoes at all? I ended up with a can of stewed tomatoes instead... 
  • and I'm pretty sure their 'burrito' sized tortillas are about 3/4 the size of an actual burrito sized tortilla. 
At least they take coupons up to 6 months past their expiration date. And they have chocolate everywhere, I kid you not. There are multiple areas of just chocolate- candy bars, minis, etc section, Easter chocolate section that takes up an entire aisle, plus free standing cardboard things of chocolate in every other aisle at least. However, the last positive thought towards the commentary turns to negative in that I'm not allowed to keep chocolate in the house.  Why???? you ask. L&G Rule 37- no keeping sweets in the house or said sweets will be eaten before anything healthy will, even if foraging individual isn't actually hungry;  then aforementioned sweets will definitely be consumed "just because they were there".

After the ritual grocery trip and getting everything put away, I awaited what I look forward to most on my Wednesdays- Skype Girl Date with two of my favorite people in the world. However, today was only half of the usual wonderfulness in that one of them was MIA. Being the lovely person that I am, I completely forgive her because she was probably catching up on much needed sleep, it being the week after her spring break and all.

I also added, to the Wednesday routine, walking. I am now making it a point to go walk between 8 and 12 laps on the track 4 or 5 days a week. There will be a better explanation about this later.

Alas, I now must await the return of my dear husband, whom I shall spend about 3 hours with before he falls asleep... oh the military life.


  1. Haha! I don't think the commissary is that great at all :\ I definitely prefer Kroger ANY day of the week!! They do have some bulk things that are cheaper, I guess.. but Kroger also has some "finer" food items that the commissary just doesn't have. Stinky! :[ I learned a while back to never go to the commissary on a Saturday!! *everyone* is there and you can't even push a cart down an aisle! ack! I wish that our base housing was actually on base - we live in a base gated community that's like 10 minutes from base. I would like to be able to walk around base and walk to the library and stuff. Do you actually live on base? Or is it privatized housing like ours?

  2. Bet you never thought the day would come that you miss good ole Kroger! Don't know what you miss until it's gone.

  3. We live in on-base housing right outside one of the two gates. But we aren't gated. Anybody can drive back here.. the new on-base housing makes our neighborhood look kinda scary.

  4. I'm a terrible friend! I'm sorry I missed our Skype date-- I've now volunteered more of my time to babysit my pastor's kids for a few hours every Weds so that he actually has time to work on his sermon. He's a stay-at-home dad with a 2 and a 4 yr old, and those conditions are not always so conducive to sermon-writing. :) But I will talk to you Friday! I can't wait!!
