Anyways, it was this second class that caused a bit of a flashback to my elementary school days. I was on my 8th or 9th lap and was slowly coming upon 3 girls and a boy walking together. I was not eavesdropping on them. I was merely in close enough proximity that my ears couldn't be stopped from hearing their conversation. In confidence of the other three kids, one girl stated that a classmate claimed to be her "best friend" but was walking with someone else. She then went on saying that "if she was really my best friend, she would be walking with me because that is what best friends do- they do everything together..". Then, a second girl came to the classmates defense, claiming they were friends and she didn't want to talk about her behind her back. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I pulled ahead of this little gang of conspirators. I, then, heard the boy claim he had a HUGE secret and went on to make them swear of their friendship to him so they were bound by secrecy and friendship to keep this to themselves. I just happened to reach the point where my ear could no longer pick up their little voices so I never heard what this terrible, terrible secret was. Good thing, too, since I never swore my friendship to the little guy. I just might have told someone...
All the whilst this was ensuing, I flashed back to my old days of walking around the playground with my best friends, gossiping about who liked who, who did what to get in trouble, how mean so and so was or how the new guy was sooooo cute. It's such a funny age to be, trying to establish friendships and trying to be your own person, and not just another little face in the classroom.
Aah, the old days..

Are you walking around those laps that go around the WHOLE base?! Our base has this track that goes around the whole base, and it would take forever to walk it just once! Bravo to you for doing it 12 times!!
ReplyDeleteHaha no I'm not that big of a glutton for punishment. It's the track that runs around the high school football field. Anyone can walk at anytime as long and its in the outermost lanes. The inside most lane is a fourth of a mile and I walk between 8 and 12 lap on the outer most lane.
ReplyDeleteaaahhh, the old days is right! hahaha. I miss elementary school. Life was so simple, but it sure seemed like a big deal.
ReplyDeleteI am having fun babysitting a 5th grader this week. We were drawing monsters yesterday, and he made fun of mine! He said they were "too friendly." hahahahha MISS YOU! and I might send you a hand drawn picture of a friendly monster. :) Just so that you can think of me!
haha, If you send me one, it will go on my refrigerator :)