Here is the latest picture:
"Like Father, Like Baby"
Gerrit is known to sleep EXACTLY like this, with his arm/hand over his eyes, usually if there's a lot of light. I don't think my uterus is particularly bright and sunny inside but I guess its more genetic than I thought!
However, not all is good news today. JB is totally fine, don't worry! About half an hour ago, I received a call from one of the practitioners that the insurance the AF contracted is no longer paying for the Nuchal Scans. They found out last week but didn't bother to call and tell me until today.... THE DAY AFTER I HAD MY SCAN DONE! I now may have to pay out of pocket and *hope to be reimbursed* if they can't convince the new insurance that this is a necessary test. Said insurance company is basing all of its covered procedures on standards from - 1992 ! Get with the program- it's almost 20 years later! This wouldn't be half as aggravating if i hadn't just bought a plane ticket back to the states on Friday. Also, did I mention that the cost of this scan is about $500???
I am very annoyed, aggravated, upset, worried, angry, and pretty much everything you would be feeling if you were in my shoes.
Please send up a prayer that the new insurance will pick up the tab.

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