Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs, woohoo!
Maternity clothes? Not yet, sticking to a looser pair of jeans though.
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet
Sleep:Only when my bladder lets me!
Best moment this week:Getting to see Baby hiccuping and squirming all over the place during the ultrasound.
Movement: Nope, still too early.
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Same as always
Wedding rings on or off? I don't where them at the gym but other than that, still wearing them as usual.
What I miss: It's a complete tie between sleeping through the night and the commissary deli sandwich.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling movement for the first time.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't drink a lot of liquid before you go to bed!
Milestones:Getting the fantastic results of my Nuchal Translucency Scan tonight!
It's actually very interesting- the gentleman who did my scan this evening, dated me at 12 weeks and 5 days with a due date of August 31 vs the Nurse Practitioner's estimate at 12 weeks and 1 day, due Sept 4. My gut feels like the British gent was more accurate but I guess we will just wait and see!

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