Maternity clothes? All maternity except some tanks and my work out pants
Stretch marks? Just a single spot on each hip so far, knock on wood
Sleep: Yes, please. All the time. Hard to wake up every morning and I always want, but don't necessarily take, an afternoon nap
Best moment this week: Getting the baby book in the mail!
Movement: Tries to wiggle under my ribs and kicks me in the right side of the pelvis a lot
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Pretty much flat, all the time
Wedding rings on or off? They started getting snug due to slight swelling in my hands so I only wear them for short periods of time.
What I miss: Not feeling HUGE.
What I am looking forward to: My husband coming home... and finishing the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wish the short and sweet moments of pregnancy away, and seriously, don't eat too much salt! You will regret it!
Milestones: I am half way through the last trimester! Woo! Now to get through these last 6 weeks....
I have arrived at the conclusion that the reason the last 6 or so weeks take the longest is because you pretty much miss the first 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, the last few count double! I am very much trying hard to not wish these last few weeks away. I know I will miss all the wiggles and kicks and jabs once he has arrived but I am so over feeling like a beached whale. Maybe it will help once Gerrit gets home and can help me out more. We shall see!

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