20 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Still only +4.0 lbs according to the WIC scale last week.
Maternity clothes? Sticking to the maternity pants though the paneled ones still don't fit right. And as for shirts, at least 80% of my regular shirts are too short without a cami underneath!
Stretch marks? Nope, not yet
Sleep:Actually back to sleeping through most nights-woo! I'm having to make a conscious effort not to lay on my back though.
Best moment this week: Finding out that my anatomy scan just got bumped from May 2 to April 29! Gotta love military down days!
Movement:Tons of movement, especially last night :)
Gender: Scan on April 29!
Labor Signs:Absolutely not!
Belly Button in or out? Stretching/ flattening out. If I try and stretch it more, it starts turning into an outtie!
Wedding rings on or off? I don't where them at the gym but other than that, still wearing them as usual.
What I miss: Other than my husband?
What I am looking forward to: Gerrit getting to feel the baby move :)
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wish the short and sweet moments of pregnancy away
Milestones: Almost half way there!
I cannot believe I'm at the halfway point. I really felt like I would never get past the first trimester, let alone this far. I'm definitely starting to actually look like I have a precious passenger in my belly, especially when I wake up first thing in the morning with a full bladder! My only wish was that my husband was here to share in the little, sweet moments every day...
AND here is Nursery Project #2!
Voila! Final Product!
AND here is Nursery Project #2!
Originally wood, this is base coat. |
Voila! Final Product!

Project #2 looks great!! I hope you had fun painting it!!! I can't wait to see it put together in the room! :)